this is the most amazing competition i've ever heard of.
words cannot describe how much i want to win this..
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
sorry, but i could easily make every post about these amazing siblings.i honestly don't think i've ever been happier than i was in these three photos.
i feel so nostalgic looking at these photos, they make my heart beat a little faster, it still doesn't feel real.
ah, Angus and Julia Stone <3
santa monica dream
Angus and Julia Stone's new video for Santa Monica Dream is so beautiful.
It gave me tingles and i couldn't stop smiling at all the lovely footage they included in it.
santa monica dream video
They are honestly two of the most talented and wonderful people on the planet. And as corny as it sounds as soon as i hear their soft and lovely voices or anything to do with them whether it be a photo or a video, my heart smiles.
It gave me tingles and i couldn't stop smiling at all the lovely footage they included in it.
santa monica dream video
They are honestly two of the most talented and wonderful people on the planet. And as corny as it sounds as soon as i hear their soft and lovely voices or anything to do with them whether it be a photo or a video, my heart smiles.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
he will have his way
i am really stressed.
i think i need to take up yoga and meditation up again.
Lucy Brand and Lauren McCabe are what have stopped me from being at home having a breakdown though and i thank them <3
oh, and the lovely 'He Will Have His Way - The Songs Of Tim & Neil Finn' album is also a really big help.
I have spent my two day's off drinking soy chai lattes and soy hot cholates, going out for breakfast and lunch, window shopping, writing secret love notes and leaving them on Lauren's car, happily singing and dancing to the Tim & Neil Finn cover songs and of course, stressing but still not doing much study.
so tonight i'm staying at my lovely tutors house to help me out before i go crazy and to gain some new and much needed motivation or i'm on the road to failing..
i think i need to take up yoga and meditation up again.
Lucy Brand and Lauren McCabe are what have stopped me from being at home having a breakdown though and i thank them <3
oh, and the lovely 'He Will Have His Way - The Songs Of Tim & Neil Finn' album is also a really big help.
I have spent my two day's off drinking soy chai lattes and soy hot cholates, going out for breakfast and lunch, window shopping, writing secret love notes and leaving them on Lauren's car, happily singing and dancing to the Tim & Neil Finn cover songs and of course, stressing but still not doing much study.
so tonight i'm staying at my lovely tutors house to help me out before i go crazy and to gain some new and much needed motivation or i'm on the road to failing..
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
i'll explain everything to the geese
so tomorrow is my 7th day of 9 consecutive day's of working and i'm starting to feel a little disconnected from things. i know that isn't much but for me, it is, especially when i can't drive around for myself and am finishing work late and i have barely and money.
those things i feel disconnected from are certain people, things i like to do, things i want to do, things i wish i could do and so on and so forth.
i love my job and it makes me happy but i'm slowly losing touch with people i love and things that i love doing.
there are many things i think about and i seem to put them in a 'make it happen later' box and i think i need to put it in a 'start making it happen soon or now' box because i'm going to become really unhappy.
p.s these two beautiful ladies with me pictured below are two of my favourite people in the world, regardless of all the wonderful people i meet, i still love them dearly and enjoy their company more than most even if their company isn't as often as it used to be <3
those things i feel disconnected from are certain people, things i like to do, things i want to do, things i wish i could do and so on and so forth.
i love my job and it makes me happy but i'm slowly losing touch with people i love and things that i love doing.
there are many things i think about and i seem to put them in a 'make it happen later' box and i think i need to put it in a 'start making it happen soon or now' box because i'm going to become really unhappy.
p.s these two beautiful ladies with me pictured below are two of my favourite people in the world, regardless of all the wonderful people i meet, i still love them dearly and enjoy their company more than most even if their company isn't as often as it used to be <3
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
isabel lucas
from what i've seen, heard and read i think Isabel Lucas is so beautiful inside and out.
also, the fact she is choosing Angus Stone for company is another big help (even if i am jealous)
photos on my camera i forgot about
so i realise i take repetitive pictures and that this post is super picture heavy but honestly i don't care right now because as corny as it sounds, if my heart could smile it would be smiling so big at all these pictures of the people who make it so happy. this post is going to make my day off tomorrow difficult as i am going to struggle to get any study done when all i want to do is give out cuddles to some of these wonderful being's.
i am much more inspired when my room is clean
today i was woken nice and early by our next door neighbours who were making lots of noise with all sorts of loud tools and machinery. such a good start to the day when i am woken up earlier than the previous day, on my day off.. ugh.
however, it ended up working in my favour because as i drank my green tea and ate my eggs on toast i still got to flick back and forth on the two morning shows(which is my morning ritual before work) and was then ready to get the study out of the way early giving me lot's of time to do other not-study-like things for the rest of the day.
four hours had passed and with a sore, purple, lump raised on the side of my middle finger i thought that four hours study would be good enough for one day and that it was time to complete the list i had wrote out, for thing's i wish i could do instead of study, everytime i tried to give up and run away from my notes.
i opened up all the windows and blinds in the house to give it the much needed fresh air it's been begging for and began to clean my room (or room-drobe that it's been more like lately).
my room had been hating me as i usually re-arrange my bedroom often and haven't done that to this room since i moved in, so i moved a few things around and now i'm thanking myself as i'm enjoying my room for the first time in nearly a month as it's been covered in clothes.
so now i can give my room the attention it deserves
after neglecting it for too long by sipping green tea, cuddling up to the cushions on my bed, wasting away on my laptop and listening to music.
Monday, November 8, 2010
'i put on my shoes and i'm ready for the weekend'
- being told by Emily's mum numerous times that i'm her soul mate because i would much rather stay home and sip tea then go out and get drunk
- getting screamed at, poked and kicked by Emily, Lauren and Brooke because Janelle and i refused to have the music up loud on the drive into town
- poorly judging the edge of a step and almost knocking a girl out as i grab the closest object (a door handle) and swinging with the door until i regained my balance. she probably thought i was a drunk idiot but i was my normal sober, clumsy-self. and then of course, she was working directly across from my work all day the next day (just my luck!) but i don't think she recognised me
- at work on saturday within the first hour i was almost in tears because of a horribly rude lady but we were so busy because of the heat that i seemed to quickly forget about her
- saturday night - study, nando's date with the boyfriend, visiting his mumma, sister, their neighbours and his adorable dog, Yoda- i consumed a vanilla flavoured protein, spirulina and banana smoothie on my break at work on Sunday and i think i might have to consume them more often
- fourty-five minute walk with lauren on Sunday after work- vegie sasuages, cheesy rice, corn, peas and carrots for Sunday night dinner and watching 'get him to the greek' with my boyfriend
Thursday, November 4, 2010
there's no police between two beating hearts
Hi, my name is: Breanna Featonby
Never in my life have I been: able to make decisions easily
High school: was two years ago
When I’m nervous: i feel sick and uneasy
The last song I listened to was: by the beautiful and amazing Julia Stone
My hair is: having a bad, annoying, oily day
When I was 5: i wanted to be a mermaid and maybe i still do? ;D
Last Christmas: would of been better if i still believed in Santa
I should be: studying more
By this time next year: i hope to be a lot more inspired and motivated
I have a hard time understanding: the human race
Take my advice: to always remember that tomorrow is a new day
The thing I want to buy: the things i want to buy** are for my bedroom
If you visited the place I was born: you'd probably be disappointed
I plan to visit: many beautiful places overseas and across Australia, one day
If you spent the night at my house: i'd be begging you to play Harry Potter Cluedo as my family and boyfriend always say no :(
I’d stop my wedding if: i wasn't in love or if Angus Stone FINALLY declared his love for me...
The world could do without: the many horrible human beings it is filled with
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: food
Most recent thing someone else bought me: food, ha
In the morning I: want to go back to sleep
Last night I was: singing Angus and Julia Stone songs until i fell asleep
There’s this guy I know who: is my favourite person in the world, he is my father <3
If I was an animal I’d be: some sort of sea animal swim and discover all the beautiful animals/plants/coral/hidden treasure etc. hidden in the ocean without fear
A better name for me would be: Mrs Breanna Stone or Mrs Breanna Stefani
Tomorrow I am: working
Tonight I am: going out for dinner with my boyfriend and procrastinating study of course
My birthday is: July 9th
Never in my life have I been: able to make decisions easily
High school: was two years ago
When I’m nervous: i feel sick and uneasy
The last song I listened to was: by the beautiful and amazing Julia Stone
My hair is: having a bad, annoying, oily day
When I was 5: i wanted to be a mermaid and maybe i still do? ;D
Last Christmas: would of been better if i still believed in Santa
I should be: studying more
By this time next year: i hope to be a lot more inspired and motivated
I have a hard time understanding: the human race
Take my advice: to always remember that tomorrow is a new day
The thing I want to buy: the things i want to buy** are for my bedroom
If you visited the place I was born: you'd probably be disappointed
I plan to visit: many beautiful places overseas and across Australia, one day
If you spent the night at my house: i'd be begging you to play Harry Potter Cluedo as my family and boyfriend always say no :(
I’d stop my wedding if: i wasn't in love or if Angus Stone FINALLY declared his love for me...
The world could do without: the many horrible human beings it is filled with
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: food
Most recent thing someone else bought me: food, ha
In the morning I: want to go back to sleep
Last night I was: singing Angus and Julia Stone songs until i fell asleep
There’s this guy I know who: is my favourite person in the world, he is my father <3
If I was an animal I’d be: some sort of sea animal swim and discover all the beautiful animals/plants/coral/hidden treasure etc. hidden in the ocean without fear
A better name for me would be: Mrs Breanna Stone or Mrs Breanna Stefani
Tomorrow I am: working
Tonight I am: going out for dinner with my boyfriend and procrastinating study of course
My birthday is: July 9th
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
i have a new job and i keep on asking myself,
'why didn't you do this sooner?'
i'm so happy.
'why didn't you do this sooner?'
i'm so happy.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
lazy afternoon
last night i was meant to go out with the lovely Lauren McCabe but it sort of different happen because the silly goose lost her ID on the way there. so we spent majority of the time looking for it and in the end came home and slept because we couldn't get in i'm spending the afternoon at my parents house studying outside in the lovely sun.
but regardless of all that, i still enjoyed myself and all the things we chatted about, i adore this girl very much <3
so far i've got pretty much nothing done because i keep getting distracted by my dog who is trying to capture a poor lizard who has been hiding from her for months. poor meggy gets so frustrated because she can't get to him and he has been living in fear for months that she'll get her paws on him. it's pretty cute but i just hope the lizard doesn't bite her or vice versa.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
silly goose
within the first five minutes of waking up this morning i had already done something silly.
i grabbed what i thought was my vitamin b12 spray to spray under my tongue and turns out it was my natio tone and moisturise spray, yuck.
so after washing my mouth out a few hundred times i hope that my lovely plans for today are not ruined by anything else foolish that i so very often do.
hope you all have a wonderful weekend <3
i grabbed what i thought was my vitamin b12 spray to spray under my tongue and turns out it was my natio tone and moisturise spray, yuck.
so after washing my mouth out a few hundred times i hope that my lovely plans for today are not ruined by anything else foolish that i so very often do.
hope you all have a wonderful weekend <3
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
morning sunshine
it's amazing how good you feel about yourself, the environment, the people around you and the world when you eat good food. please excuse the crappy phone quality, but this is what my breakfast looks like on most mornings lately:
but knowing me and my tubby tubkin ways, i'll still stuff my face sometimes with food that does nothing but make me feel bad.
it consists of toasted muesli (with pepitas, sesame seends, currants, rasins, almonds, sunflower kernals), organic yoghurt and fresh strawberries and apple.
of course i also drink tea, either green or english brekfast, but no morning can start without tea.
part of me is looking forward to studying nutrition and learning the importance of good food and what it does for you, but part of me doesn't want to say goodbye to some of the naughty stuff i love that i know i probably won't eat once i've finished the subject.but knowing me and my tubby tubkin ways, i'll still stuff my face sometimes with food that does nothing but make me feel bad.
home sweet home
please don't judge me and my lack of painting skills, i just seem to find it quite therapeutic.
this photo was taken on my phone from when i lived at my parents house.
i'm feeling nostalgic, not just because of what i wrote on the painting, but because i miss my old bedroom.
i am moving in a few months and some of the only good things that can come from it is the fact i'll have my old room back, i can stick and hang thing from the walls and the roof, i'll have a lot more space to do what i want with my bedroom, i'll be able to save more money, i won't have to do as much house work and so on and so forth.
but i am dreading the yelling, arguing, fighting and pure madness that comes with living with my family and the lack of freedom and peace and quiet i get whilst living here.
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