I do not however, enjoy the sickness itself.
Getting out of bed to make a green tea is difficult and with green tea being one of my favourite things in the world, I am not enjoying this sickness one bit.
Today my beautiful little furry friend, Jock was put down. He was a West Highland Terrior and was related to the dog on the 'My Dog' dog food ads. I have misplaced my camera chord to upload a photo of him but he looked just like these cuties;
He was my grandparents dog but i was there the first night they got him and for many, many visits afterwards and so he soon became like one of my own pets. After about ten years he started to become very sick and my grandparents took him to the vet to find out he had diabetes.
Getting needles in your skin everyday for a person must be hard enough but when you're a dog and you can't have it explained to you that you're getting them to help you, it wouldn't be such a good life.
Although it breaks my heart, it makes it even sadder because i know how much they wanted to be able to look after him and that they wish they could. I don't hate them one bit for what they did and i know that if they could they would never of chose to put him down.
I miss you already little guy and i wish i could be greeted by you at my grandparents front door one more time <3
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