Monday, August 23, 2010

thanks a bunch

Lately I've been thinking..
I should probably thank you for continually bringing negativity into my life.
You've now shown me the sort of people to avoid from having in my life, how not to treat other human beings and you're making me realise the sort of person I never want to be;
somebody like you.
It sounds so harsh but it's the honest truth,
It's the only way to be positive about the person you've become.


  1. lol i bet i can have a guess to whom this is about.
    ps. your profile picture is like 947894759 years old, you look so different. i think mainly because of your hair.
    pss. you said you were going to show me a picture of the light colour you wanted to die your hair. you lieeeeeeer.


  2. maybe you do, but i haven't talked about this to you really so maybe you are thinking it is someone else.
    because it could probably apply to some others.

    ohh, i shall have to show you.
    yeah it is very old, i should have to take some photos of myself and put a different one on there haha. it's about three years old i think?

  3. There's nothing wrong with being honest when it's true. Good on you. You tell that sucka and tell them good.
